how to draw newman projections from line structures
A staggered Newman becomes a zig-zagged trans thin line. Wedge-hash diagrams are usually drawn with two bonds in the plane of the page one.
Convert Newman Projection To Haworth Projection
Video 5- Projection to Bond-Line Notation Trick.

. Traditionally the front atom of the Newman projection is a dot while the back one is a circle. How To Draw Newman Projections From Line Structures - Leave the bonds in the same relative location. Check the post about Newman projections if you.
Wedges on left dashes on right The dot and circle are shown just to make it clearer which carbon is which. When youre drawing the bonds from each of your atoms make sure youre doing it very carefully to show exactly which atom those groups are sitting on. They are rarely needed for sp 2 eg.
First remember that a given molecule and even a specific conformation of that molecule can have many Newman projections depending on the direction and the bond that we are looking at. The big blue circle is the rear carbon and the three blue lines coming off the circle are the bonds to that rear carbon. Check this article for some illustrations and handy tricks.
Find the side view you are going to be using When looking at the alkane you want to decide which bond you will be. Here is the Newman projection of a hydrocarbon. Newman Projection to Bond-Line Notation Trick - No model kit requiredStruggling with Orgo.
Thus you always need to indicate which atom is the front one and which atom is at the back. The 1200 andor 600 of the Newman become the thin lines of the wedge-dash structure. Converting Bond-Line Structure to a Newman Projection.
Grab my free eb. From peoplebethelksedu Step 1. Find the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms.
This video teaches you my logic-based trick to quickly turn a Newman Projection into a bond-line notation or skeletal structure without the need to rely on your model kit. Draw two eclipsed Newman templates. Wedge-hash or wedge-dash diagrams are the most common representation used to show 3D shape as they are ideally suited to showing the structure of sp 3 hybridised tetrahedral atoms.
The closest bonds make an inverted Y so you will choose the second template for your projection. How to draw a Newman Projection 1. You dont need to actually draw these on your final compound.
Draw the skeletal structure Each Newman projection starts with a circle and a dot in the middle representing the two. There is one C atom at the centre of the circle and a second one hidden at the back of the circle. So today were gonna draw a fisher projection for each of the following um wedge trip dash wedge dash structures.
Draw side groups of. The direction is usually given with an eye symbol or an arrow. Now add the labels for what is attached to these two carbons.
To create a Newman Projection first draw the two center atoms and their bonds. Place the groups onto your template. Once youve mastered the art of naming alkanes sooner or later in organic chemistry youre going to have to draw newman projections.
View the molecule along the C1-C2 axis with your eye at the left-hand end. Means draw the dashes on the right. 5a5 draw all newman projections for a 360o rotation around the indicated bond of the molecules below then draw a graph of strain energy versus angle.
Heres a video on converting line drawings to fischer projections. What is its bond-line notation. Alkenes or sp systems eg.
Where the red lines meet is the front carbon and the red lines represent the bonds to that front carbon. All groups on the carbon atoms are H atoms. The following exercise is to practice converting Newman projections to bond line structures.
Video 6 Converting Newman to Fischer Projections. Grab a pen and some paper and use the model to draw newman projections for each of these from the point of view indicated by the beady little eye. Use the instructions on the picture to convert each of the following Newman projections to the corresponding bond-line structure.
A methyl group off the back adds a third C atom.
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